Evaluation is like your family meeting
Have you ever had to call a family meeting?
Sometimes these meetings are to look to the past and overcome challenges the family has faced.
Sometimes these meetings are to look ahead and plan for something that is in the future.
And sometimes they are just an excuse to eat ice cream together.
No? Just me? 🙂
Why am I talking about family meetings?
Because I like to draw comparisons between staff development and life in general.
If you're thinking outside the traditional evaluation box, you can call a "family meeting" for your staff and hear from them firsthand.
Learn from the Past
You can discuss challenges they've experienced in the past.
What went well?
What could be improved?
What do you wish were different?
Look to the Future
You can make plans to improve in the future.
How might we do this differently?
How might we improve?
What would happen if we...?
And you can use this information to determine what training has been effective and where you might need to adapt.
Also, I highly recommend ice cream.