How to Determine Where to Start with Virtual Training

Photo by Gia Oris on Unsplash

Where do we start?

Many organizations were forced into a remote workforce early in the pandemic. Some organizations went back into the office. Some went to a hybrid environment. Some stayed remote.

If you are in a geographically dispersed, hybrid, or remote environment, virtual training is likely a delivery method you'll need to implement in your organization.

When I speak on podcasts, I am often asked "where should people start?"

I say start where you are right now.

Listen in as I share tips on my podcast episode with Teresa Huff from Grant Writing Simplified.

A few highlights:

10:50 start with a clear direction - what does your strategic plan say? what are your organization's goals? identify the actions your staff need to take to help you achieve those goals.

11:40 focus on the actions that will give you the best results.

11:52 then, start thinking about the training. create a training that allows your staff to practice the actions you identified.

13:40 tips for creating engagement and allowing staff to practice

22:10 where you can start right now

Happy listening!


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