Podcast Recap: This One Element Changes Everything for Training

Stories have been around for as long as time, and they are a great way to learn.

Research shows our brains process information best when given in story format. If we’re feeling emotions and living through someone else’s experience, we’re most likely to remember the details.

Listen as Monique Purnell, Learning and Development Manager for Alpha Gamma Delta International Headquarters, talks about why stories work, and how to create them in your next virtual training.

Episode 17: This One Element Changes Everything for Training

What you’ll discover:

01:52 Monique’s career and background

07:01 Two ways to use storytelling

10:56 Why stories work

14:58 The challenges of storytelling

17:48 How to start writing your story

20:48 What to do after writing your story

Watch the full episode of Learning For Good - This One Element Changes Everything for Training

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